Content creation is integral to the success and sustainability of your online presence. As a powerful ranking signal that can indicate a number of elements about your online space, it can hold a number of details that vastly impact the success of your overall SEO. So what are ranking signals and how are they used? The indicators of ranking points and benchmarks, read on below to find out more!
Highly-Linked Content
A backlink profile is Google’s oldest ranking signal and encompasses taking count of all the external hyperlinks pointing back to your site. Ever since Google launched, backlinks were at the core of its ranking algorithm and have remained one of the most powerful factors in the system. With more pointers towards your pages, they can be seen as more authoritative and therefore more valuable.
While previously it may have been easier to game the system in some days, as the earlier design relied far more on keyword input, today it requires a page and site to be relevant. With updated content and design, there need to be consistent growth and improvement on a site for it to remain relevant.
Length is another important factor as it holds not only linking potential but also keywords that help deliver your site to the ranking systems and results pages. With optimised content at the right length, Google can see your pages as an ideal piece of information to serve.
Exact Keyword Match
While Google has moved beyond exact-match keywords and can now understand relevancy beyond word strings, including your target keyword is still important. When applying title tags and other on-page elements it can be detrimental to move away from using the preferred keyword.
To the best recollection of what can be found online, Google has never confirmed that they use on-page engagement as a direct ranking factor. This means that once on your page and active, only link clicking and time spent on a page really have any impact on the value of the page. If users leave right away, does it mean the information was incorrect or just not engaging?
When you are looking at getting your content creation on track, just remember how much it can help to solidify your digital marketing services in the digital space. A key part of any strategy, Cleverley composed media and text can set you apart from the rest of your competitors. Contact Birddog today to find out more!
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