Marketing vs Advertising. The Difference Explained

Advertising and marketing are very similar concepts with aligned objectives but the two often get confused for each other. It is little known that the former is a function of the latter rather than a separate idea. Alerting consumers to products and services being sold is the key goal of these functions. Comprehension of these ideas and their meanings will help any business or organisation with their strategy for customer and audience acquisition.

The Difference

Marketing is a wide and dynamic job process that can involve design, creation, research and data mining, as well as product placement within the market and how to best align the idea of a product or service with the target audience. This function involves a lot of research and analysis as well as other business and financial elements. It is a far less creative and far more logical, business orientated function. It involves studying audience response and creating language and design that will best influence that audience. Certain groups of consumers respond better to images and words than others. From tag lines to catch phrases, these team members are gatekeepers between the creatives and the test audiences. The message of a campaign transmits what kind of people can use the product, what kind of environment best suits the product and other related information. The message is communicated through materials which create the tone and personality of the product as well. This is where advertising comes in.

While the previously discussed topic forms the overall identity of the product, service or brand in general, advertising is a way for the brand to hone in on specific batches of information and communication and put them out to their audience strategically. This is the literal process of making a product and service known to an audience in a way that follows through the entire overarching strategy set in place. It is the description used to present the product, idea or service to the world. This generally entails campaigns that most often focus on specific events or product releases. These campaigns make use of creative positioning in the media to ensure as many consumers as possible are exposed to the message. This is a far more creative function that disregards many of the business elements and has its specialized focus on getting the word out there.

Knowing the difference allows you to understand what function is needed where and how each includes the other. While in many ways they are two separate concepts, marketing and advertising go hand in hand as strategies to get the word out. Be sure to trust in professional offerings when you are looking for a reliable digital marketing company in Brisbane. Give Birdddog a call and let us optimise your brand.