PPC Shifts Of 2019 Which Will Shape How We Market This Year

Pay Per Click

Google is always reinventing itself. These fellas are constantly working on enhancing brands’ abilities to meet the need of their audiences and online customers. With the recent redesign in mobile search result pages as well as desktop black ‘Ad’ labels and favicons of organic listing, there have been mixed emotions regarding this shift. Not only that but some advertisers are now subjected to Google managing their campaigns too.

Now that 2020 is in full swing, you may be wondering what trends in 2019 will continue making waves in 2020 particularly in relation to PPC.

Automation remains at the forefront of many business marketing agendas. This became evident when Google announced products that aim at owning the funnel in the property sector.

Privacy restrictions and expectations have been prioritised and will impact search marketing throughout 2020.

It’s been 10 years without Bing’s market share wavering Google’s and it seems like it never will, at least that’s what people may believe. Microsoft Advertising isn’t in the league of holding up to its parent company’s revenue such as the likes of Facebook and Google’s Ad businesses and showed ts maverick streak last year instead of keeping up with Google Ads features.

These were the big things we said goodbye and hello to in paid search this year which will inform our campaigns in 2020.